DORAFactory Prompt
Dora Factory builds protocols and infrastructures to enable decentralized governance and efficient funding for open source communities and public goods. Dora Factory's Public Good Staking is currently one of the fastest growing multi-chain staking infrastructures in the industry, providing block-native incentives to grow the next generation of blockchains.

Enabling an infinitely scalable web of sovereign blockchains that feels like a single chain. Powered by ZK tech.

Credshields is a Web3 Security company working towards building a secure web3 ecosystem with next-gen security tools. Starting back in 2021, Credshields has established a stance in automated security with its flagship product, SolidityScan, an automated auditing & vulnerability scanning platform with capabilities unmatched in the industry & ever-evolving.

LINEA Prompt
We’re looking for the novel ideas expanding the adoption of Web3 and want to connect with hackers, giving them exclusive invites to our Linea Builders Club, where you can find tech talks by our ZK cryptographers, mini hack opportunities, educational programs, and more!